You know that feeling where you're driving and lost in thought, and all of a sudden 20 minutes has gone by, and you think... how did I even get here??
That's what living below the line feels like.
It's a sort of sleepwalking through life where time slips by unnoticed.
It lacks presence and intention.
How much of our days are spent here? (Hint! A LOT)
We get to try something different.
Tara Brach is a beloved spiritual teacher who uses this circle with a line through it to teach awareness.
Our work is to bring more of our lives, thoughts, emotions... above the line.
Living Below the Line; we are in a trance, asleep
It's familiar, habitual, unaware
-- Did I just eat that whole bag of chips?
-- How is it 2 pm and I barely worked at all? -- Compare my body, success, children etc... to others
Hello to feeling separate, alone, and incomplete 👋🏼
Bringing it Above the Line; Requires awareness and intention
It is present, awake, and open
-- Respond thoughtfully, rather than in the negative habitual way (This is HUGE ✨)
-- Take a mindful breath before picking up the phone
-- Slow down to check in while eating
Hello to feeling connected, open, and aware 👋🏼
✨ I N S P I R E
"“What would it be like if I could accept life, accept this moment, exactly as it is?” - Tara Brach
✨ T H R I V E
5 strategies to Bring it Above the Line:
1: Journal - Just 2 minutes a day
3x3 is perfect if you're just starting out: 3 things you're grateful for and 3 priorities for the day (include yourself in at least one!)
2: Sacred Pause - Try a single deep breath before checking your phone or responding to someone
3: STOP Practice - Good one to share with your kids too
Take a breath
Proceed mindfully
4: Move Mindfully - Try yoga or tai chi
5: Meditate - Start with a simple body scan or RAIN meditation
The goal isn't perfection, it's presence.
Here with what is.
Each moment of noticing is already a moment of awakening.
Don't skip it ✨
With all the love,
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