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You Already Have What You’re Looking For ✨

Carolyn Frost

I wish I’d learned this sooner...


You find what you look for ✨


A lot of my 20’s and even 30’s were spent racing around in uncertainty, self-doubt, and judgment (super fun!).


It was exhausting and left me feeling disconnected from the abundance that was right in front of me.


What I didn’t realize back then was that - no matter what’s happening around you - you have the power to choose your thoughts, actions, and decisions.


Now, I choose abundance.


And you can too.


Here's how 👇🏼

✨ I N S P I R E


“Abundance is not a number or acquisition. It is the simple recognition of enoughness.” – Alan Cohen


(This one really sticks for me... does it for you too?)



✨T H R I V E


Seek out the ways you are abundant in these 5 key areas:

1. Health:

↳A good night’s sleep, access to healthcare, fresh air, and energy to exercise or play with your kids

2. Wealth:

↳A roof over your head, food in the fridge, clothes in your closet, a steady income, a savings account

3. Love:

↳Self-acceptance, supportive friends and family, the opportunity to show love to others, and the beauty of forgiveness

4. Time

↳Time to spend with loved ones, flexible work hours, and moments of peace and quiet

5. Freedom

↳The ability to speak your mind and make decisions for your life, access to education, and the capacity to say no

Remember, you get to choose what you find ✨ 


Each morning I write out a single way I am abundant in each area.


What could change if you did the same?


Have a beautiful week friends!



PS ~ SIGN UP HERE for weekly motivational tips & practical advice for living a healthy and happy life

📸 This (force-your-family-to-go) birthday hike was abundant in sunshine, crying, snacks, complaining, giggles, and all the love this heart can hold.

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