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How do you want to show up in your life?


Feeling happy, healthy, calm and fit


Connected to yourself and to others?


Feeling comfortable (amazing!) in your own skin


Living with confidence, pride, intention, and courage


Appreciating - even loving - your body and all it does for you


Finally making peace with food, your body, your relationships

If yes, you are in the right place my friend, and I’m so glad you’re here.

We all want these things.

We want to feel healthy, happy and energetic.

We want to contribute to something meaningful.

We want to feel connected to ourselves and to others.

Maybe you've got the partner, the kids, the body, or the success you've always dreamed of.

​You want to love your life. You should love your life.... 


And yet, something is missing, something isn't quite right. You're just going through the motions. Waiting for life to tell you what's next, rather than deciding what you really want and then figuring out how to get it. Because we're worried it will be too hard or take too long, or that we'll be disappointed or there isn't enough time in the day. And yet.... you're still just going through the motions. You're not enjoying your life like you really want to.


The truth?

Life is coming at you one way or another. You can either consciously and intentionally decide how you move forward, or carry on as you have been and have life decide it for you. There is challenge, confusion, work and disappointment associated with both ways. â€‹â€‹

Image by Sincerely Media

But here's the thing.

Wouldn't you rather experience the challenges working toward the life you really want ~ knowing in your heart that you're working toward something that matters, something that it's important, rather than the ones that come with the allowing life to happen to you?


I know... it can be scary to dig in and figure out what you really want. It's easier to have someone or life do it for you - but then we're disappointed with the outcome. Instead, move forward with focused action and create long-lasting change.


I got you. I am here to support you, offer guidance, and to hold you accountable.


I am here To help you look at your life, habits, thoughts, and emotions with a fresh perspective so you can move forward with awareness, clarity, and focus.​​

​Together, we will:

​Understand your current thoughts, beliefs, and habits with a fresh perspective - this is the real beginning of life-changing curiosity, openness and honesty!

What's not working? Address it, and then build upon what is working. 

Access your own powerful intrinsic motivation - that part of you that shows up when the rest of you wants to give up.

Figure out exactly who she is and call on her often. 

Cultivate a healthier relationship with food, your body, and your mind. 

Heal the relationship with yourself first, and then watch how this positively impacts your Whole. Entire. Life. Create space in your brain for FAR more important things than counting calories and comparing yourself to those around you.  

Create incredible goals and take BIG action to bring them to life.

No limits here!

Find an accountability partner in me; a trusted friend cheering you on to your dream life. 

The efficacy of an accountability partner is well-established. We are 65% more likely to meet a goal if we commit to another person. That success rate rises to 95% when regular check-ins follow that commitment.

Your life can be whatever you want it to be. 

Let's get super clear about what you want, revise your limiting beliefs, and practice believing the thoughts that will move you forward. 


We'll do it together.


Complimentary Discovery Call w/ Dr. Frost 

I can't wait to connect with you! 


Let's discuss how you want your life to look and feel, and learn how Simple Mindset Shifts + the Three Pillars for Lasting Health & Wellbeing can immediately - and positively - impact your life!


A lot can change in 20 minutes! 


Absolutely FREE and no commitment required.

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Image by Yannic Läderach

30 Day Wellbeing Transformation

Welcome health, energy, focus, and intention back into your life! 


Are you overworked, exhausted, unfit, anxious, unhealthy, and unhappy? Searching for external answers to your internal challenges;  finding comfort in food, alcohol, shopping, and Netflix? Ready for a change, but aren’t even sure what that means or how to get there?


You know that you are capable of SO MUCH MORE! Let’s do it together.


5 Pack of Personal Strategy Sessions

Work one-on-one with Dr. Frost on the issues that matter most to you; in particular promoting health, positivity, self-care, and awareness as the path toward living and truly loving your life! 



Awareness to Action

Transform the Seeds of Awareness to Focused Action in just 90 days!


What is it that prevents us from taking action?

Applying for the new role at work, trying something new, finally getting off the couch, or asking a new friend to lunch. 


We have a million excuses why we can’t do ‘the thing’. What if instead we took the chance?

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Life on Purpose

Identify your purpose and create a deeply connected, full, courageous, imperfectly beautiful life.


Want to live your best life, but aren’t quite sure what it could look like? Do you find yourself drifting? Just going through the motions?


You’ve been on that road for too long (often decades!) and yet still…. you’re not living the life you know you could be living. 


Let’s try another way.

Image by Joyful


Redefining Wellbeing

This program has been many years in the making and will be ready to launch soon! 


It’s a hybrid Self-guided + Community Driven + Personal Coaching trifecta designed to meet you exactly where you are, help you create an empowered, exciting vision for your future, and fully support you with the tools and resources you need to actually get there.


“What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

Image by Amanda Marie

Speaking Engagements and Workshops

Dr. Frost has successfully designed and executed multiple comprehensive health promotion programs to hundreds of clients across a broad spectrum of backgrounds; empowering individuals to harness the transformational power of mindfulness, intentional living, and a robust growth mindset as the direct route to a healthy, balanced, and successful life.

Not sure where to begin?

Sign up for your Complimentary Discovery Call to create a personalized plan designed to get you where you want to go!

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